Ascii art

Spongedown allows you to scribble ascii art and the program tries hard to connect the dots.

Hey bob! ( ( ) . ) ( ) ) . ( 0 ( O O) o . . ( ) o ` . ` ` o . . ' O ` . ' ' . =' =.=' =.=' =.=' = . ' ` . ' =' ' =' ' =' ( ) ( )
# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
## Ascii art

Spongedown allows you to scribble ascii art and the program tries hard to connect the dots.

                    ,'                                      `.
                   /                                          \
                  |                  Hey bob!                  |
                  |                                            |
                   \                                          /
                    `._______  _____________________________,'

      .' \  (`._   (_)     _   \
    .'    |  '._)         (_)  |
    \ _.')\      .----..---.   /
    |(_.'  |    /    .-\-.  \  |
    \     0|    |   ( O| O) | o|
     |  _  |  .--.____.'._.-.  |
     \ (_) | o         -` .-`  |
      |    \   |`-._ _ _ _ _\ /
      \    |   |  `. |_||_|   |
      | o  |    \_      \     |     -.   .-.
      |.-.  \     `--..-'   O |     `.`-' .'
    _.'  .' |     `-.-'      /-.__   ' .-'
  .' `-.' '.|='=.='=.='=.='=|._/_ `-'.'
  `-._  `.  |________/\_____|    `-.'
     .'   ).| '=' '='\/ '=' |
     `._.'  '---------------'
             //___\   //___\
               ||       ||
               ||_.-.   ||_.-.
              (_.--__) (_.--__)

