
Spongedown extends markdown with support for additional useful features.

  • svgbob diagrams
  • inline csv
  • embedding content

Svgbob diagram Svgbob makes use of textual representation of diagram and creates and svg image out of it.

This is an example of svgbob diagram

Diagrams Table Flowcharts Graphs Sponge down Comics [ ] :: , ' ,' . ` , . , ) . ' [ ... . ' :::: ̾̃ ̾۶ ,⊙, ⊙७ ٩̮̾̃ ̮ ...° ]


CSV data are rendered as tables

foo bar baz
apple banana carrots
rust haskel c
1 2 3

Embedding content

what ever goes here
will be captured and
can be referenced later

![ csv][input1]

Markdown works as is.