Svgbob Specification

Characters Svgbob relies on set of characters that are easily accessible on your keypad. Each of these character has certain set of behaviors depending on the neighbor character.

These are the most common characters that are used.

Character Common Name
. period or dot
, comma
quote or singlequote
+ plus sign or cross
* asterisk
o letter o
O capital letter O
- dash or hypen
| vertical bar
~ tilde
_ underscore
: colon
! exclamation mark
< less than sign
> greater than sign
v letter v
V capital letter V
^ caret
/ Forward slash
\ Backward slash
Double quote

Character general behaviors

Period .

  • Period makes a rounded corner on the top-left if a line connects to it from the bottom and from the right.
  • Period makes a rounded corner on the top-right if a line connects to it from the bottom and from the left.

Comma , Comma makes a rounded corner on the top-left if a line connects to it from the bottom and from the right.


Backtick ` Backtick makes a rounded corner on the bottom-left if a line connects to it from the top and from the right.


Single quote '

  • Single quote makes a rounded corner on the bottom-left if a line connects to it from the top and from the right.
  • Single quote makes a rounded corner on the bottom-right if a line connects to it from the top and from the left.

Plus sign +

  • Plus sign makes a sharp corner when connected from 2 perpendicular lines.
   +--  --+
   |      |

   |      |
   +--  --+
  • Plus sign makes an intersection when connected from 4 directions (top, right, bottom, left)

Asterisk * Asterisk makes small solid circle when connected to a line

  *---  ---*

Small letter o The letter o makes small clear circle when connected to a line

  o---  ---o

Big letter O The big letter O makes bigger clear circle when connected to a line

   O--- ---O---

Dash - Dash makes a solid line. Place them next to each other to form a longer line


Broken line - - - 3 dash line with space in-between them (ie: - - - ) makes a broken line

   - - - - - - - - - - -

Vertical bar | Vertical bar makes a vertical line


Tilde ~ Tilde makes a broken line


Underscore _ Underscore makes lowered solid line


Colon : Colon makes vertical broken line


Exclamation mark ! Exclamation mark makes a vertical broken line


Less than sign < Less than sign makes an arrow to the left if a line connects to it from the right


Greater than sign > Greather than sign makes an arrow to the right if a line connects to it from left


Letter V (both lowercase and capital)

  • Letter V makes an arrow pointing bottom if a line connects to it from the top
  • Letter V makes an arrow pointing bottom-left if a line connects to it from the top-right
  • Letter V makes an arrow pointing bottom-right if a line connects to it from the top-left

Caret ^

  • makes an upward arrow if a line connects to it from the bottom
  • makes an arrow pointing top-left if a line connects to it from the bottom-right
  • makes an arrow pointing top-right if a line connects to it from the bottom-left

Forward slash

Forward slash makes a 60 degree angled lines



Backslash makes a 120 desgree angled lines


Double quotes

Double quotes is used as an escape to prevent svgbob from interpreting the characters as drawing character and use them as text instead.

"| Don't draw me  |"

 | Ok, draw me  |
Ok, draw me .----------------. | Don't draw me | `----------------'

Combination of characters

Period and slash

  .--   --.   \        /
   \     /     `--  --'

Plus and slash

  +--   --+   \        /
   \     /     +--  --+

Underscore and vertical lines

    |   __
    |__   |

Parenthesis, period and quote

   .    .
  (      )
   `    '