Basic Shapes

Spongedown allows you to draw basic shapes

circle elongated circles rectangles long horizontal rectangles vertical rectangles rounded rectangles little elongated rounded rectangule parallelograms diamon tilted square a little bread? triangles rounded triangles hexagons big hexagon elongated hexagon rounded hexagon process blocks Folded Document
# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
## Basic Shapes

Spongedown allows you to draw basic shapes

      (   )  circle 

      (        )  elongated circles

      |________|  rectangles

       | long horizontal rectangles |

       |   |
       |   |  vertical rectangles
       |   |
       |   |

       |       | rounded rectangles
       .-------------.  little elongated
       '-------------'  rounded rectangule

       /       /
      /       /  parallelograms


        \       \
         \       \

   /  \
   \  /   diamon

        .          .                                
      .' `.      ,' `.       .'.                    
    .'     `.  .'     `,   .'   `,   tilted square  
     `.   .'    `.   ,'     `. ,'                   
       `.'        `.'         `                     

      .-.    a little bread?

      /  \    triangles

       / \
      /   \  rounded triangles
     /     \

      /   \   hexagons

     /      \
    /        \   big hexagon
    \        /

     /                 \
    / elongated hexagon \
    \                   /

  /               \
 ( rounded hexagon ) 
  \               / 

    \                \
     ) process blocks )
   |                   |_\
   |  Folded Document    |
   |                     |
   |                     |
   |                     |


