Speech Baloon

left right center Rectangular Rounded Rectangle A long longer dialog box for longer speech Expandable A big round ass dialog box is also possible Connected Dialogs with pause
# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
## Speech Baloon

  (  left  )
   `--, .-'

  (  right  )
   `--. .--'

  (    center  )
   `---. .----'

|     Rectangular      |
|___  _________________|

|  Rounded Rectangle   |
'__________  __________'

| A long longer dialog |
| box for longer speech|
| Expandable           |
'_______   ____________'
        | / 

    _____| \______________________________
  ,'                                      `.
 /        A big round ass dialog box        \
|                is                          |
|              also possible                 |
|                                            |
|                                            |
 \                                          /

 |Connected Dialogs  |
 |______________  ___|
         _______\ \______ 
        |    with pause  |
        |______  ________|


{{#playpen Speech_baloon.md}}
